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Minnesota North Fundraising Opportunities

 MN North families have successfully sold Butter Braids, Pizza, and Kwik Trip Car Wash cards for many years. This is a great fundraiser to help offset your athlete's player fees!

Your athlete's account will be credited:
Kwik Trip Car Wash Card - $16  
Butter Braid Sale - $6.00
Pizza Sale - $5.20-$5.60
Due to order submission timelines, ORDER FORMS CAN ONLY BE ACCEPTED UNTIL 8:00 pm on November 24th. 

KWIK TRIP Car Wash Cards

Cards sell for $36 dollars each and include 5 ultimate car washes. They can be used at any Kwik Trip

Money is be collected at the time of the sale, as you sell them

Please collect all payments for the cards and then cut one check to MN North at the time you turn in the form. Please total all columns on the below order form, making sure there is a player name, phone number and email address on the form.

SALE STARTS: Active Today
SALE ENDS:  November 24, 2024

Please make sure your name, phone number, and email address are on all forms.  Order forms can be left in the MN North mail bin at the DISC any time prior to November 24th. Please include the check and a copy of the form in a sealed envelope labeled "Attn: MN North Fundraising"

***Checks only. NO CASH!!!*** 

*Note - After 24 months of no activity on the cards, washes will fall off at a rate of one wash per month. Activity on the cards can either be using them at a car wash or doing a balance check on the card at a Kwik Trip store-each time you do either of those things the 24-month period starts over.  

Fall 2024 Butter Braid and Pizza Fundraiser

Butter Braid & Pizza orders are set up only ONLINE.  Following this link will allow you to  set up your personal online sales site, track your progress, and send out reminders.  Customers order and pay via the site, saving time collecting money.  MN North will not be collecting forms and money for this portion. 

Once your online store is set up, share that link with family and friends! When creating your online store, the phone number is an optional field but please list a phone number so we can reach you on delivery day.

SALE ENDS:  November 24, 2024

Butter Braid and Pizza Order Pickup Date: December 14, 2024 at 12:00 PM

Order Deadlines

Due to order submission timelines, ORDER FORMS CAN ONLY BE ACCEPTED UNTIL 8:00 pm on November 24th. 

Please take note that fundraising credits may only be applied to player fees.  No refunds will be offered and if you have a credit due to fundraising it will carry forward to next years player fees